Triptych is a professional media company specialising in the production of strategic communications from a variety of sources for a variety of applications. Because there are so many platforms that media can be disseminated in today’s world Triptych has developed alliances with specialists in each field, ensuring for Triptych Client’s that they have the latest knowledge base and creativity to work with. The content can then be distributed directly to end users via DVD and or the Web.

Triptych can transfer any existing video content so it can be streamed on the web very easily as well as updating and enhancing your existing productions. We are also a full service media company capable of recording video and/or audio for live or on-demand web casting / podcasts or any other media distribution platform. Complement this with our creative media skill such as commercials, education as well as innovation with streaming media enable Triptych Media to be highly flexible and regarded by the industry
